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  Does your website fail to rank in the first position of SERP? Are you facing problems in ranking your website? Don’t have an idea of the top 10 ON-PAGE SEO factors that helps you in search engine ranking Well, no worries! In this article, I’m gonna break down all the top 10 on-page SEO factors that help you in ranking. RELEVANT KEYWORDS BASED ON YOUR CONTENT Content is the king of SEO and fitting a relevant and more searched keyword is like finding a queen to your content. Relevant keywords and the most searched keywords tend your website to rank on the first page in SERPs. Talking about content in SEO should be standard and creative. If you are a beginner in creating content or content writing don’t ever copy from other articles from google. When you copy from other articles, search engines automatically reject your websites in the ranking. People need information and it should be classified and informative. So always focus on providing the best content with the relevant and most se


 Does your website fail to rank in the first position of SERP? Are you facing problems in ranking your website? Don’t have an idea of the top 10 ON-PAGE SEO factors that helps you in search engine ranking

Well, no worries! In this article, I’m gonna break down all the top 10 on-page SEO factors that help you in ranking.


Content is the king of SEO and fitting a relevant and more searched keyword is like finding a queen to your content. Relevant keywords and the most searched keywords tend your website to rank on the first page in SERPs. Talking about content in SEO should be standard and creative. If you are a beginner in creating content or content writing don’t ever copy from other articles from google. When you copy from other articles, search engines automatically reject your websites in the ranking. People need information and it should be classified and informative. So always focus on providing the best content with the relevant and most searched keyword.


The meta description refers to describing your website to search engines which is mainly shown on the results page under your results. This provides details to search about your website and what your website is all about. However, people mostly don’t read the meta description but still, it is one of the most important SEO factors of your website. Starting your meta description with the relevant keyword of your website adds more strength to your website’s ranking.


Page speed is essential to improve your website's ranking. If your page speed is low then the bouncing rate of your website will get increased and obviously, that will not give any results on your ON-PAGE SEO. Use the page speed tool and if you find your website slow on its page speed then work on it and improve the speed of your website.


Have you ever noticed a website in a search engine’s that the URL says not secure? It is because they don’t have an SSL certificate for their website. If a URL is showing that it is not secure then eventually bouncing rate of the website gets high. Make sure that your website is secured.


More than 85% of audiences visit the search engines through access to their mobiles. According to this stat, it is essential to check the website’s accessibility by phone. Check your website’s mobile accessibility with a mobile-friendly test tool. It gives you an accurate report and also the results are too low then it will also provide the reasons to improve your website’s mobile-friendly accessibility.


SEO Experts believe that social media site’s influence is watched by the search engines and it is very helpful to improve the rankings of your website. If your website or content is more shared on social media, then search engines consider them as good and quality websites. Eventually, it will rank in better positions of SERPs.


As already mentioned, content is the king of your website. Never forget that there will be always big competition in search engines. To defeat all your competitors you must bring standardized content which gives more information to the visitors of your website. Before creating content, do intense keyword research to reach the targeted audience. Also, do intense research on the topic you gonna write about. Give some new information which is not given by your competitors.

TOP 10 SEO FACTORSCreate content in such a way that it should not be complex to understand and not so boring. Adding relevant images, videos and hyperlinks increase user experience.
Internal linking is very important to improve your ranking and for user experience. Internal links are links that take to another page of your site and this could bring more traffic to all the pages of your websites. External links are links from your website to other external sites. Do internal links with each page of your website and external linking with other industrialized and high-traffic websites. This could bring more audience to your website.
In SERPs, the name of your domain and age matter. If your domain is too old then it will be a plus for your search engine’s ranking. Use Moz site explorer to check your domain authority. Higher the authority, the higher the ranking of your website.


H1 tags improve the visibility and ranking of your website. SEO experts prefer H1 and H3 tags to improves SERP’s rankings.


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